Blog Archive

Thursday 26 July 2018

Lewisporte - Too nice to leave

Both the weather and the welcome in Lewisporte have been warm. So much so we have decided to keep the boat here for the winter despite our rocky arrival and the fact that we have moved to a still shallower berth!

The sailing club here has great facilities so, if needed we can cook ashore. There’s Wi-fi and complimentary coffee so why move on? 

We had planned to press south to Nova Scotia in September but the winds will be against us, the days shorter and the distances significant. So instead we will have a September holiday in Lewisporte exploring Notre Dame Bay and go hiking in the Grosse Mourne National Park. We will then haul the boat here and winterise her ready for a Newfoundland winter which should, at least, be less extreme than the Last winter in Greenland. 
