Blog Archive

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Therapy- a success!

Kayak trips from our boathouse around Seil (17NM) and to Ardfern (12NM) with Ronnie and Alison

Kayaking Shuna and Lismore 10.7 NM with Ronnie and Alison

Yesterday was first review day with my very own virtual physiotherapist. She was pleased. The range of shoulder movement had improved, the pain has lessened and nights are only occasionally interrupted by pain. So all good. I told her I had done a couple of weeks of sea kayaking with a 17 nautical mile longest day. I mentioned having to slither,  inelegantly, backwards out of the cockpit onto the rear deck to disembark but blamed the wrist for that. I did mention that fitting the spray deck behind my back needed another pair of hands 90% of the time and that Sally always comes to the rescue.

‘Keep doing the prescribed exercises as they are obviously working’ she said ‘and we will check up again in 3 weeks and maybe do a video consultation’

‘Yes of course’ I said, a little guiltily, as I’d only done the exercises on the first day and pretty much forgotten about them after that. It must have been the salty air and the hot baths of Traighuaine that did the trick. I wonder if we should get a hot tub?

Tomorrow is Occupational Therapy day when the protractors    and pinch machine will come out. I’m hoping to walk away with a fresher smelling and straighter little finger splint as the grubby one I’ve got is working well.

So all good on the therapy front with a crowded therapist appointment diary as befits my first month as a pensioner!