Blog Archive

Thursday 26 August 2021

Visiting Bats

Sally’s new iPhone gizmo is a bat detector that records the sonar of bats and identifies the species automatically. The bats were so impressed by the technology that one of them dropped into the lounge to pay us a visit. It found the open door to the conservatory ok but didn’t detect the open french window leading to the outside world and the night air teaming with bat cousins feasting on moths. Instead our bat friend crawled behind the roller blind to snooze the night away. 

Sally takes her common pipistrelles seriously and sought specialst advice from the bat rehabilitation team. A pair of gloves, a tea towel, a shoebox and a bat sized dish of water was all that was needed to provide alternative daylight accommodation and now, as the sunsets, we are waiting for our furry bat friend to take to the air and gorge on the night flying insects.