Blog Archive

Tuesday 12 July 2022

Photos of cruise from Nova Scotia to Annapolis

Shimshal ready to sail from Gold River, Nova Scotia.

Shimshal ready to sail from Gold River, Nova Scotia.

Shimshal ready to sail from Gold River, Nova Scotia.

Road bike ready to load abord

Sailing during early May in Canadian waters requires many layers

Our first anchorage of the season was in Silver's Narrow and our second one near Spectacle Island

A brisk NE pushed us SW to Lockporte and then we rounded Cape Sable in calm conditions though we were plagued by fog and lobster pots.

From Yarmouth we sailed to Grand Manan in New Brunswick

Grand Manan

We cleared into the USA at Eastport, Maine.

Eastport Harbor

Deep Cove Marina dock on Moose Island, Maine

On a mooring at Deep Cove Marine.

Roque Island

Roque Island

Roque Island

From Trafton Island to our anchorage at Little Cranberry we were fog bound all the way. As we anchored we glimpsed, through the fog, the first sailboat we had seen in 2 weeks.

Azalea gardens near South East Harbor, Mount Desert Island

from the summit of Mt Sargent

MDI's Carriage Ways 

Shimshal in Southeast Harbor

OUr cycle trip around the Carriage Ways

Sunset from mooring at Nordhaven

From Boothbay Yacht Club to Max's mooring

 Rob, the man who built the Snorri and starred in the book, "A Viking Voyage" was just about to launch his latest replica at Bath. Maine.

Island, Maine


We sailed from Portland to the Cape Cod Canal

To Cuttyhunk


Cape Cod Canal

Racing off Newport on a Saturday afternoon

Shimshal from sunset meal on board at Mahayana

Entering the East River


New York from Atlantic Highlands

New York at sunrise from the New Jersey Coast

Sassafras River in the Upper Chesapeake

Help fro SeaTow following the disintegration of our Aquadrive

A very efficient haul out at the Bert Jabin's Yard at Annapolis