Blog Archive

Thursday 16 February 2023

High Peak, Providencia

There’s only one peak on the island that’s got a path cut through the jungle to its summit. It’s the highest peak on the island and, though it’s an easy enough walk, a guide is recommended. We employed Bernardo who met us at the road-head where Richie, the taxi driver, dropped us at around 8 am. Wielding a razor sharp machete, Bernardo was a mine of information and the perfect guide. Every few yards he would stop to pluck an orchid to present to Sally or to crush an aromatic leaf for us to sniff appreciatively. Smells of cinnamon, cloves, tamarind. Each leaf, when made into tea, was, apparently capable of curing all manner of lethal illnesses.

We climbed during the relative cool of the morning and we were met by fresh trade winds on the summit. The descent though was very hot and it was a relict when Richie met us and dropped us outside a cafe for some serious rehydration.

The views from the summit were spectacular. Lush jungle clad mountains, a patchwork of emerald, brown and blue seas fringed by the surf breaking on the outer reef.

Bernardo our guide

Shimshal is 3rd from the left