Blog Archive

Friday 10 February 2023

Yet more dining dates and autohelm gremlins

After Sunday’s day out with Charlie and Joanna came Monday’s date with Mervyn and Pam at their stunning cliff-top house. Pam cooked delicious Thai food and there was enough left for a doggy-bag supper back on the boat.

Tuesday’s date was supper with Karin and Mike at the Rackams Bar. Mike is soon to build a 49’, flat pack catamaran kit imported from South Africa. He runs the Compass Marine Boatyard so he clearly knows what he’s doing.

Wednesday’s date was supper with fellow OCC  crews from Blue Mist and Pure Magic at the Lobster Pot. Great food, weather and company. Chris is a surgeon who has been working on Cayman for 30 years.

Our incredibly sociable time on Grand Cayman is coming to an end as we have a weather window to sail the 360 miles to Providencia ( a Columbia island) starting Friday night.

In the meantime, a routine check on our autopilot connection has revealed some gremlins that may mean that we have to hand-steer for the last 600 miles. I’ve sent off a tele-engineering advice request to our Swedish boat builder in the hope that I can patch it together long enough to get to Panama. More later but the picture below gives a clue. 

Meanwhile the watermaker is keeping us well hydrated!