Blog Archive

Monday 12 August 2024

Scottish BBQ in August

The OCC 70th Anniversary celebration in Argyll, though chilly, was another glorious event with plenty of time to reminisce and talk through future plans. 

 Miraculously, the rain never quite reached Traighuaine’s garden and as soon as the food was done the huddled crowd retreated inside for desserts, drinks and chats late into the night. 

Most stayed over to continue the conversations for the whole weekend. The gathering was a mixture of cruisers both old and new. Many had circumnavigated the globe or the Pacific and a few had broken the ice in the North West Passage more than once. 

The young crew of S/V Coconut were just starting their family adventure. Having reached St Kilda last week, Ewan, Sarah, Archie and Fergus will have a much easier ride as they aim their Jeannau towards the ARC Plus, Panama and the Pacific. As the BBQ flames died down the Coconuts took their leave, packed away their football, let go their lines and caught the southbound tide for an overnight passage to Ireland and the beginning of their big ocean adventure. Bon voyage the Coconuts!

The garden has been tamed and below are some images from our trail camera taken over the last 6 months.