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Monday, 7 September 2020

All seeded

Masses of brambles have now been cleared and much of the more level pasture harrowed back to expose a fair amount of soil. In a few short weeks we have transformed our green and lovely motte and bailey into something resembling a building site. No matter, today was seeding day!

We mixed up several kg of wild flower seed and then went on a mission to scatter. All the bald bits are now laced with thirty odd species of wild flower and we are hoping that our mound of earth will, in a Spring or two, be bedecked with wild flower wonders. 

By that time we will probably be back afloat in Nova Scotia but we know the butterflies and the bees will enjoy the fruits of our labours!

Here is what we have planted:

Seed mixes for the Motte September 2020

Planted 8/9/2020

Bailey area

Common Agrimony 1%, Borage 7%, Wild Clary 4%, Red clover 3%, White clover 1%, Corn cockle 8%, Cornflower 6%, Ox-eye daisy 5%, Wild Foxglove 3%, Common Knapweed 6%, Greater Knapweed 5%, Purple loosestrife 1%, Wild Marjoram 1%, Meadow Cranesbil 1%, Musk mallow 5%, Common Poppy 5%, Ragged robin 2%, Sainfoin 7%, Field Scabious 7%, Small Scabious 3%, Teasel 1%, Bird's-foot trefoil 2%, Kidney vetch 2%, Viper's bugloss 2%, Yarrow 5%, Yellow Rattle 7%.

In other areas around the motte

Lady's bedstraw 5%, Black medick 3%, Salad burnet 5%, Meadow Buttercup 6%, Red campion 6%, White campion 5%, Wild Carrot 4%, Corn chamomile 3%, Corn cockle 9%, Cornflower 4%, Ox-eye daisy 5%, Goatsbeard 4%, Common Knapweed 7%, Corn marigold 3%, Meadowsweet 3%, Common Poppy 1%, Field Scabious 2%, Self-heal 5%, Common Sorrel 5%, Bird's-foot trefoil 3%, Tufted vetch 2%, Yarrow 2%, Yellow-rattle 8%.

Lower Shady areas

Common Agrimony 9%, Wild Angelica 3%, Wood Avens 5%, Hedge bedstraw 9%, Nettle-leaved bellflower 1%, Betony 5%, Bluebell 3%, Meadow Buttercup 5%, Red campion 5%, Wild Clary 4%, Columbine 1%, Wild Foxglove 3%, Upright hedge parsley 6%, Meadowsweet 5%, Garlic mustard 8%, Ragged robin 4%, Wood Sage 2%, Hairy st john's-wort 2%, Teasel 5%, Bush vetch 2%, Tufted vetch 2%, Wild Garlic / Ramsons 1%, Hedge woundwort 7%, Yarrow 3%.

Heavier soil areas

Common Agrimony 10%, Lady's bedstraw 3%, Betony 2%, Black medick 6%, Salad burnet 7%, Meadow buttercup 5%, White campion 3%, Wild Carrot 3%, Wild Clary 3%, Cowslip 1%, Ox-eye daisy 3%, Common Knapweed 9%, Greater Knapweed 5%, Meadowsweet 2%, Hoary plantain 2%, Ribwort plantain 3%, Common Poppy 1%, Ragged robin 4%, Field Scabious 8%, Self-heal 5%, Common Sorrel 5%, Tufted vetch 3%, Yarrow 3%, Yellow-rattle 4%.