Seed mixes for the Motte September 2020
Planted 8/9/2020
Bailey area
Common Agrimony 1%, Borage 7%, Wild Clary 4%, Red clover 3%, White clover 1%, Corn cockle 8%, Cornflower 6%, Ox-eye daisy 5%, Wild Foxglove 3%, Common Knapweed 6%, Greater Knapweed 5%, Purple loosestrife 1%, Wild Marjoram 1%, Meadow Cranesbil 1%, Musk mallow 5%, Common Poppy 5%, Ragged robin 2%, Sainfoin 7%, Field Scabious 7%, Small Scabious 3%, Teasel 1%, Bird's-foot trefoil 2%, Kidney vetch 2%, Viper's bugloss 2%, Yarrow 5%, Yellow Rattle 7%.
In other areas around the motte
Lady's bedstraw 5%, Black medick 3%, Salad burnet 5%, Meadow Buttercup 6%, Red campion 6%, White campion 5%, Wild Carrot 4%, Corn chamomile 3%, Corn cockle 9%, Cornflower 4%, Ox-eye daisy 5%, Goatsbeard 4%, Common Knapweed 7%, Corn marigold 3%, Meadowsweet 3%, Common Poppy 1%, Field Scabious 2%, Self-heal 5%, Common Sorrel 5%, Bird's-foot trefoil 3%, Tufted vetch 2%, Yarrow 2%, Yellow-rattle 8%.
Lower Shady areas
Common Agrimony 9%, Wild Angelica 3%, Wood Avens 5%, Hedge bedstraw 9%, Nettle-leaved bellflower 1%, Betony 5%, Bluebell 3%, Meadow Buttercup 5%, Red campion 5%, Wild Clary 4%, Columbine 1%, Wild Foxglove 3%, Upright hedge parsley 6%, Meadowsweet 5%, Garlic mustard 8%, Ragged robin 4%, Wood Sage 2%, Hairy st john's-wort 2%, Teasel 5%, Bush vetch 2%, Tufted vetch 2%, Wild Garlic / Ramsons 1%, Hedge woundwort 7%, Yarrow 3%.
Heavier soil areas
Common Agrimony 10%, Lady's bedstraw 3%, Betony 2%, Black medick 6%, Salad burnet 7%, Meadow buttercup 5%, White campion 3%, Wild Carrot 3%, Wild Clary 3%, Cowslip 1%, Ox-eye daisy 3%, Common Knapweed 9%, Greater Knapweed 5%, Meadowsweet 2%, Hoary plantain 2%, Ribwort plantain 3%, Common Poppy 1%, Ragged robin 4%, Field Scabious 8%, Self-heal 5%, Common Sorrel 5%, Tufted vetch 3%, Yarrow 3%, Yellow-rattle 4%.