Blog Archive

Monday, 31 August 2020

Harrowing the Bailey

It’s a week since the Motte and Bailey became ours and in our spare time we have been hard at work cutting and harrowing the Bailey ready for seeding with a wildflower mix which should transform it into a stunning meadow in a year or two. The mix we will be using contains 28 native flower species for the sunnier meadow area and 20 species for the woodland shaded areas. Yellow rattle will be in the mix which, over time, will inhibit grass growth and encourage flowers to flourish.

We have a lot of thorny scrub consisting of bramble and blackthorn and we will keep much of it. But where brambles have invaded the ancient foundations of the Bailey buildings we have  cut back the scrub ready for seeding. 

Hard graft but  we should be well rewarded in summers to come. Watch this space.